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Image Albums - FAQ

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If you are using Microsoft® Access 2003 or 2007 please visit the Access 2003 or 2007 information page.

What version of Microsoft Access is required to run the software?

What versions of Microsoft® Office are supplied with all the required graphics filters?

What types of images can I store if I don't have the GIF, JPEG or TIFF graphics filters installed?

How can I tell if all the required graphics filters are installed on my PC?

Can I delete my images from my hard drive once they have been added to the database?

Why do I get an error reporting that my database is "Read Only" when I open it?

Why do the images appear on some networked PCs when using linked mode but show an error message on others?

Why can't I find my images when I enter a search term?

Why is my database taking longer to close down?

Is there a source code (mdb) version available to buy?

What does the "Open Image" button (on the main menu and tool bar) actually do?

These FAQ have not answered my question. Where can I find more assistance?


What version of Microsoft Access is required to run the software?

To run the software you will require either Microsoft Access 2000 or later. (Microsoft Office Professional Edition or Microsoft Office Premier Edition are however recommended.) Please note that GIF, JPEG and TIFF images require separate graphics filters that are not supplied with the stand-alone version of Access. TIFF images are only supported in Access 2000/2002

If you do not have Microsoft Access 2000 or later then you can download Access 2007 Runtime for free from Microsoft and install it on each system that wish to run the application on.

What versions of Microsoft Office are supplied with all the required graphics filters?

The separate graphics filters are not supplied with the stand-alone version of Microsoft Access. To use the filters, you need to install Microsoft Office Professional Edition, Microsoft Office Premier Edition, or a stand-alone version of Microsoft Word along with your stand-alone version of Access. (The TIFF graphics filter is not available to Office 2003 users.)

What types of images can I store if I don't have the GIF, JPEG or TIFF graphics filters installed?

If you do not have the GIF, JPEG or TIFF filters installed then you will only be able to store bitmap (bmp), windows meta file (wmf) and icon (ico) images in the database.

How can I tell if all the required graphics filters are installed on my PC?

If you do not have all the required graphics filters installed then you will be unable to store or view GIF, JPEG or TIFF images and the application will indicate this when you attempt to store or view one of these image formats.

Can I delete my images from my hard drive once they have been added to the database?

If the database mode is set to embedded then when you add an image to the database, an exact copy of the image is stored inside the database file. The original image file is left intact in the original directory it was stored in. Whether or not you keep or discard the original image file is entirely your decision, however please remember to create a back up copy of your database, especially if you delete the original image files.

If the database mode is set to linked then deleting, moving or renaming an image file will cause the affected file to be lost from the database and you will be presented with an error message. In this case you can use Image Album's update image file facility to re-link the image to the database again (This is available on the Edit Images Form, the second button to the right of the image preview.) or alternatively restore the lost image file(s) to their original location.

Why do I get an error reporting that my database is "Read Only" when I open it?

You are accessing you database in read-only mode. It is possible that this happened if you stored the database on CD or opened is directly from a zip file. If the database is in a zip you need to extract it otherwise to resolve this issue please right click on the database icon and select properties from the pop up menu and uncheck the read-only box. If your database is on a CD then copy the database to your PC's hard drive before attempting to change the file properties. It is also possible to open files contained in a zip archive without extracting the file from the archive. In this case the file will sometimes be read only, therefore you must fully extract the file to prevent this message appearing. Finally, some operating systems allow different permissions to be set for different users. If none of the above solutions work then ask you system administrator if you have full access rights to the directory containing the Image Albums file.

Why do the images appear on some networked PCs when using linked mode but show an error message on others?

When using the database in linked on a network you should always add the images via Network Neighbourhood / My Network places so that the full UNC path is stored in the database. For example, if you add an image via your C drive, when another user tries to view it the application will look for it on their C drive and not be able to find it. If you add it via Network Neighbourhood / My Network places then this will tell the application to look for the image on the network and not on the local drive. If you use a mapped network drive then this may also present a problem as the drive letter (e.g. drive X, Y or Z) might differ on the other PCs on the network, meaning that the image cannot be located. For more information please read the database mode section of the help files.

Why can't I find my images when I enter a search term?

The search facility has been designed to allow the use wildcards to assist your searching (by leaving the Like operator selected in Advanced mode when searching a text type field). A wildcard is a character that can be used in a search to represent one or more other characters. The two most common wildcards are:

1. The question mark ? (This can be used to represent a single alphanumeric character in a search.)

2. The asterisk * (This can be used to specify zero or more alphanumeric characters.)

For more information please read the Search For An Image section of the help files.

Why is my database taking longer to close down?

The database is set to compact on close. Compacting optimises the performance of the database and reduces the database size if it has become fragmented. The larger the database is, then the longer this will take. You can however disable the compact on close option by selecting Tools - Options from the menu bar and then selecting the General tab. Next, uncheck the option "Compact on close" at the bottom left of the Options window. Please remember that you should compact your database manually by selecting Tools - Compact and Repair Database after adding or deleting a large number of images.

Is there a source code (mdb) version available to buy?

There is a developer version available. Please see the click here for more details.

What does the "Open Image" button (on the main menu and tool bar) actually do?

This button (accessible from the main menu, tool bar or pop-up menus) allows you to open the image with the application associated with the file type. This associated application will be unique to your PC, depending on the graphics capable software that you have installed. For example, a bitmap (bmp) file will usually open in Microsoft Paint.

Please be aware when using the database in embedded mode that the image file that you are opening is only a temporary copy of the file stored in the database, therefore editing the image with an image editing application will not update the image in the database. You must use the image editing application's "Save As" function and save the edited image to a new directory and then use Image Album's update image file facility to manually add the image to the database again. (This is available on the Edit Images Form, the second button to the right of the image preview.)

When using the database in linked mode the image file that you are opening can be edited as normal.

These FAQ have not answered my question. Where can I find more assistance?

Please try looking in the Image Albums help file provided with the application. If for any reason there is a problem preventing you from viewing the help file on your PC, then please check the Online Help file. (Please note that these may also be more up to date than the file that was supplied with your original download) Finally, you can also use the online Feedback utility to report an error or ask a question and I will do my best to assist you.

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Copyright Jamie Czernik 2004 -